Mobiflow mobility

Mobiflow mobility

4 September 2023

Mobiflow and sustainable mobility

Mobiflow and sustainable mobility: A look at innovative solutions during the Mobility Week

The Mobility Week is once again upon us, and this year Mobiflow shines as a true pioneer in the world of sustainable mobility solutions. As a leading company specialising in charging infrastructure software and pioneering mobility services, Mobiflow has the perfect tools to add a green touch to the Mobility Week, which starts on September 16th. Let’s take a deeper dive into Mobiflow’s sustainable products and how they fit perfectly as part of the Mobility Week.

Shaping an electric future

In an era when sustainability is central to shaping our future, the transition to electric vehicles is at the top of the agenda. Mobiflow’s charging infrastructure software has become a key component in creating an integrated and efficient charging network for EVs. During the Mobility Week, we want to highlight some sustainable aspects of charging station software.

  1. Smart charging: Smart energy management software solutions can be used to match vehicle charging to times when there is a surplus of renewable energy, reducing the use of fossil fuels and promoting the integration of renewable energy sources.
  2. Dynamic pricing: By offering variable tariffs based on electricity demand and renewable energy supply, smart software solutions can encourage EV drivers to charge during off-peak hours, which can reduce the load on the energy grid.
  3. Load balancing: Management software for charging stations can help stabilise the energy grid by scheduling vehicle charging to avoid peaks that can overload the grid.


Besides charging infrastructure software, Mobiflow also offers mobility services that simplify and make people’s daily lives more sustainable. What are the sustainable aspects of our Mobility-as-a-Service services?

  1. Car sharing: Vehicle sharing reduces the need for individual car ownership, which can lead to lower overall demand for cars and associated raw materials and energy for production and maintenance.
  2. Traffic reduction: Shared mobility services encourage the use of shared vehicles instead of individual trips with separate cars, which can lead to less traffic on the road and thus reduced congestion and emissions.
  3. Multimodality: Many shared mobility platforms integrate different modes of transport, such as bikes, scooters and cars. This encourages the use of more environmentally friendly forms of transport for shorter distances.
  4. Optimal vehicle utilisation: Vehicle sharing ensures that available vehicles are better utilised, reducing the need for more vehicles and increasing overall efficiency.
  5. Air quality and emissions reduction: Shared mobility helps reduce pollutant emissions by shifting from fuel-powered individual vehicles to shared electric or energy-efficient vehicles.
  6. Urban planning: By reducing the demand for parking spaces, shared mobility can help reallocate space in cities for green zones, pedestrian areas and cycle paths.

Working together for a sustainable future

These sustainable aspects highlight the potential of charging station software and shared mobility to transform the mobility sector in a direction that is more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Mobiflow’s commitment to sustainability and innovation deserves to be highlighted during the Mobility Week. Together, we can pave the way for a greener, cleaner future where mobility and sustainability go hand in hand as we consciously choose sustainable mobility.